Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow:Two Hearts Are Better Than One

In case you weren't aware or hadn't checked your calendar, today, December 21, 2016 marks the first day of winter, also known as, the Winter Solstice. It is also the shortest day and longest night of the year.

So for those of you, like me, who live in the region of the world where gets pretty cold outside during the winter months, that means it's time to stock up on your hot coco with marshmallows, hot apple cider, and your favorite tea with a little, "something special" in it, to keep you warm on the inside.

And while you're at it, make sure you also have your favorite blanket ready. So you can snuggle up in with someone you love and keep each other warm on the outside as well.

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!!
A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow:God Provides

I went to bed early last night and was awakened at exactly midnight hearing this song in my spirit. Then I was led in spirit to get up and share it here as my Inspirational Love Notes message for you today.

I don't know what you're going through or who this is for other than myself. But this much I know for sure. I have been through many trials and tribulations in life that's just part of living. I have had people who swore they loved me fail to actually show it time and time again. Some, if not most, of those same people have also devastatingly disappointed me repeatedly. 

I have had people that I was loyal to, who were in some cases either a romantic  partner or business relationship, that did not return my same level of loyalty. Other times, I've also had people who were supposed to be my friends, that disappeared, stopped calling, and failed to step up or show up when I was going through situations where the support of a true friend would've really mattered most.

I've even had biological family, as well as people I considered as family, because I mistakenly believed we were really that close, to end up being the ones to have my back the least and hurt me the most. And as I get older my personal circle of people I feel close to and can truly trust gets smaller and smaller. 

Yet, through it all, I have never seen a more loyal and truly unconditional demonstration of love and support, nor have I ever had a better Ride or Die partner in life, than I have found in my very personal, intimate, sacred relationship with the Most High.

Regardless of whatever or whoever tries to break me, God just keeps bringing me through, over and out of it. Like the bionic woman the Most High keeps making me stronger, faster, wiser, more resilient, resourceful, creatively abundant, and better than I was before, despite how painful it may have been while going through each experience.

I'd be here writing this forever if I tried to tell you all the challenges I've faced and things God has brought me through. So I'm just gonna end this message by telling you this. No matter how long you've been going through your situation or whatever it is you may need....God Provides.

Ask God....Trust God....Try God today. There is NONE more faithful, loving, loyal, reliable, dependable, consistent, gracious, merciful, compassionate, infallible, powerful, generous, Infinitely Intelligent and wise, superbly supportive, and perfectly able to provide than the great I AM.

Talk about an Inspirational Love Note....listen to this song, God Provides, by Tamela Mann then put whatever you're going through in God's hands. That's all I've been led to say. And So It Is!!! Amen

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! 

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks

Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought:The Magic of Christmas is Not Just for Kids

As we countdown these last seven days until Christmas I was wondering....
Do you remember what it felt like when you were a child and used to have a particular toy or thing you really wanted more than anything else in the world to see under the tree on Christmas with your name on it? Remember how it felt to have your little childhood heart set on getting it? Nothing could make you stop thinking about it and believing you would actually get it.

My four year old daughter is in that exact place in her childhood right now. She's totally immersed in the magic of Christmas believing she can have whatever her sweet little heart desires. Nothing can diminish her expectation of receiving what she has made up in her mind that she wants and is set on getting  come Christmas day.

She told me at least two months ago about a special toy she saw an advertisement for and decided she really wants, called a Word Whammer by Leapfrog. It's actually a very good choice of a Christmas wish that she picked because it's an educational toy that will help her further develop and improve her spelling, vocabulary, speech, and communication skills. So it's already been mom approved by me. Lol

But she doesn't know that nor does she really care if I approve of it or not. She's four years old remember. So all she cares about is that this particular toy has become her hearts desire. And she is determined to get it for Christmas no questions asked.  So with absolutely not a shred of doubt in her mind she has kept a tunnel vision focus on getting this toy for Christmas.

For the last two months straight, the Word Whammer has been the first thing she talks about with excitement when she wakes up every morning . She tells me about it all throughout the day as she describes every feature it comes with in great and vivid detail. She also ask me several times a day to pull up the video ad for it on YouTube, or the picture of it on the Walmart or Toys R Us website, so she can see it. 

When I do she is overjoyed with excitement from just watching the kid in the video ad playing with as if she already has her own in her possession. It's also the last thing she thinks about when I'm tucking her in bed at night. She's counting down the days until Christmas so she makes sure to tell me every night how many days are left until she gets her Word Whammer. Lol

It's amazing for me to see the level of focus and ability she has been holding the clear vision of getting this toy that is her only hearts desire for Christmas. She's been believing with unwavering faith that it's already hers. And she is right. Because between you and me, I have already bought it and it's waiting in a safe hiding place for her until Christmas day. Lol

That brings me to the moral of this Inspirational Love Notes message and my reason for sharing this story about my daughter with you. Like her, we too, as adults, would do well to reconnect with the child in us that used to believe in the magic of Christmas.

As you read this article, ask yourself, when is the last time you allowed yourself to just dream big about something your heart really desires. Think about that and then get a vision of what you want to see manifest in your life in the coming new year. Then ask your "Divine Parent", the Most High Eternal Loving God, to fulfill that desire of your heart for you. Next, hold on to the vision of receiving it with laser focus, unwavering faith, and an unshakable belief that it's already's already yours.

Just like my four year old daughter did, go look it up on the Internet, in a magazine, on YouTube or find it in the store that sells it. Become familiar with every intricate detail of it. Think about it every morning when you awake giving thanks in advance to God that it's on the way. Talk about it to your close friends who you know will support you in holding the vision for it. 

Lastly, ponder on it every night as you get in bed and fall asleep until it shows up in your dreams while you slumber throughout the night. My point is, no matter what, just like my daughter, let nothing deter you or diminish your expectation of receiving that thing you so deeply desire in your heart, whatever it may be.  Like a little child, let the magic of Christmas remain in your heart while holding the vision for the desires for your life not just at Christmas time but all year long.

Until next time....Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season!!! And as always, remember to keep your hearts and your Love lights on!!!

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow: Kindness Is Still A Virtue

Someone, in one of the many Facebook groups I'm in, posted this image earlier this week. And I found it worth sharing with you as my Inspirational Love Notes message for tonight on the importance of  being more sensitive and compassionate to one another. 

You never know the full scope of what someone has been going through until you have walked in THEIR shoes. Compassion is always a better approach than having a judgmental, critical, unsupportive, superiority attitude. 

If you can't find anything uplifting and encouraging to say, then perhaps it's better that you say nothing at all. If the most positive thing you can offer is to pray with or for the person sometimes that can be just as helpful as an encouraging word. But it's definitely better than offering critical comments or a negative opinion with a judgmental undertone attached to it. 

Remember...everybody is either coming out of, going through, overcoming or just on the other side of making a comeback from something....including you. The only difference is that some people are better at hiding and disguising it than other's. Yet everyone deserves to feel that whatever they are going through is validated and respected. Be kind to one another. No one likes feeling judged or invalidated. Especially when they are already hurting while working through their situation.

This is just a little "Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow" to ponder as you fall asleep tonight. Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on. ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought:A December to Remember

So here we are....December. The final month of the year. The month that also brings with it the biggest holiday season of the year and all the increased levels of stress and anxiety that comes along with it as well. So for my Inspirational Love Notes, Sunday's Food For Thought message for you this week I thought I'd suggest a few ways you can make this a December to Remember. 

The first way you can make this a more pleasurable and memorable final month of the year, is by not putting so much focus on the commercialism built up around Christmas. Instead, try putting more emphasis on making your new year start off with you feeling good. And the way to do that is by making choices now that will make your future self happy.

So just what do I mean by that? are a few examples of how you can make choices now that will make your future self happy:

1.) Don't over spend on gifts you really can't afford and will have to face the debt you created later. Your future self will be so happy that you made wise financial choices now that will make life and your bank account much better off for you later.

2.) Don't try to buy gifts for everyone in the family and your friendship circle, the postman, the neighbor next door and co-workers too. That's absurd!!! This year, try only buying for the children in your family who are under 18 years old instead. Or even younger than that if you can get away with it. The adults should understand and be supportive of putting the children first and making it more about them.  Which brings me to my next suggestion.

3.) Be honest with yourself and others about what you can or cannot afford to do. If you are not in a financial position to buy gifts for everyone, or anyone this for that matter, don't be in denial about it. Don't spend money you really do not have just to avoid feeling embarrassed or pressured by family and friends.

Your future self will respect you for being true to yourself and your financial ability at the time that will support your financial situation later by living within your means. 

4.)  Don't make plans to go out of your way, especially if that means traveling out of town, to spend the holiday season with people who do not make you feel good about yourself when you're around them. Even if it is family(and more often than not it is) and it's tradition that you go home every year it just not worth putting yourself through the unnecessary pain. Forcing yourself to spend the holiday season with people who only make you feel depressed and put down rather than jolly, celebrated and loved does not serve you well.

As an adult you have a right to start your own holiday tradition. And your future self will appreciate and love you more for honoring yourself by no longer allowing yourself to spend the holiday season with people who don't make you feel loved, lovable, or loving. If going around certain family members and friends only brings you down instead of lift you up I say you owe it to yourself to make other plans this year with people who make you feel good about being you.  

5.) Get plenty of rest and don't over eat. December brings the holiday season where we are surrounded by the irresistible aroma's of our favorite sweets like cakes, pies, cookies and other baked goodies. We're also exposed to more than our fair share of foods that are fun to eat during this time of year but are loaded with sugar and high in fat. 

When we over indulge in them we enjoy it in the moment but our bodies pay for it later. So this year, make a conscious choice to eat your favorite holiday foods in moderation. Your body will thank you for doing so later. 

So those are a few suggestions I hope you will find helpful, should you take heed to them, that will make your future self happy after the holiday season has come and gone. But the best suggestion I can offer you that will make this a December to remember is that, whatever gifts you do give, whatever meals and sweet treats you cook, don't forget the real reason for the season. Let all you do this holiday season be done with a spirit of Love.

Until next time....have a wonderful holiday season. And remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!!  

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought: He Who Holds My Future (Poem)

I can't control what goes on 
outside my door....
I can't control between
the rich and poor....
who pays less taxes and who pays more.

I can't control the attitudes, opinions,
and behavior of co-workers,
neighbors, family and friends....
And I certainly can't control  if life
as we know it in our country
will soon come to an end.

Yet, what I can control is 
my own state of mind....
I can control if I 
am critical, judgmental, and mean,
Or respectful, peaceful, and kind.

I can control whether or not,
I live in worry, anxiety, and fear,
Or walk by faith and not 
by sight....

I can choose to keep promoting
peace and harmony,
And let love be my guiding light....

I can also control my prayers,
And keep trusting God to be my protector
when I lay down to sleep at night.

No I can't control the future,
but I can surrender my future into
 God's hands....
And I can trust that God's divine
plans for me,
will always succeed over man's.

Dedicated to all those who are overwhelmed with fear, doubt, and anxiety about your personal future and the future of our great country. I invite you and hopefully through this poem have inspired you, to let your faith in God be greater than your fears of the world. And no matter what continue to practice peace and love.

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and let your LOVE light shine!!!  

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought: Dream Catcher (Poem)

My dreams are mine alone
both new and old....

They are desires of my heart
I long to behold....

Yet my dreams are no longer
just dreams to grow cold....

My beautiful, precious dreams
have now also become my goals.

So help me God to remember
whether my dreams are big or small....

Always keep an open heart
as my net to catch them all.

This is just a short, yet affirmative, poem from my personal dream journal. I wanted to share it in hopes that it may be an empowering source of inspiration to you as it is for me. 

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! 

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow: Hello Sweet November (Poem)

Hello Sweet November....
With open arms I welcome you
May you bring us all fresh blessings,
With the autumn morning dew

Hello Sweet November....
It's good to see you again too
May you help us gently release the
things and people that we outgrew
While giving thanks for those who have
remained with us genuine and true

Hello Sweet November....
You are the month where we begin
Our year end review
And as we look back at all that we've
come through
Help us forgive ourselves and other's
For the things we can't undo

Hello Sweet November....
To old dreams may you give us
new courage to pursue
And for lovers who's romantic hearts have died
May you revive....restore....and renew
Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016
You can also follow me on Facebook@

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought: Floating On the Wings of Love

There is a popular 70's R&B group called The Floaters with a classic hit song called, "Float On".
The hook of the song says, "take my hand.....come with me baby to Loveland. Let me show you how sweet it can be sharing love with me. Float...Float on...Float on...Float on..."

Now I get that some people don't believe you can receive a spiritual message from a secular song. But I beg to differ. Spirit...Source...God... has infinite ways of communicating to us using whatever means necessary to get the message through.

And the message I received for this weeks Inspirational Love Notes, Sunday's Food For Thought, message from Spirit  through this song to share with you, is to surrender every problem and every concern regarding your life today to the divine order of God.

Then go about your day worry free as you, "Take God's hand...go with Spirit to Loveland...Let the Holy Spirit show you how sweet it can be...sharing peace and love with the Eternal Loving Presence of the Most High in you and me."

Hold this message in your heart and mind today. As you, "Float...Float on the raft of God's Grace with Gratitude...Float on the waves of God's promises and perfect provision while giving total praise

Float on the perfection of divine order and prosperity with an inner peace that passes all human level understanding. Most importantly, in all your ways, float on the mighty wings of God's Divine Love knowing the fullness of his presence is with you and for you all ways. 
Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! ~Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

Friday, October 28, 2016

An Inspirational Love Notes:Fantastic Fun Day Friday Message For You

As I was doing my daily meditation this morning I opened my windows and caught a whiff of the fresh air and saw how beautiful it is outside today.Then as I went into my mediation time this following message of prayer and appreciation came to me. So after writing it down in my journal I was inspired to come and share some of it with you here to inspire you through the rest of your day as well.

With that said, here it is:

Today I give thanks to God for this most beautiful, splendid, glorious, gorgeous, awesome, amazing, abundant, bountiful, magnificent, love fueled, joy-filled, blissful, fun-infused, marvelous, care-free, loving day. 

This is my day!!! This is your day!!! This is a good day!!! This is a gloriously blessed and powerfully prosperous day simply because this is the day the Lord our God, the Most High has made....perfect, whole, and complete. Then God went the extra mile to breathed His breath of life in you and me to awaken us to take part and be glad in it. Therefore, today is an awesome day for no other reason than the fact that today is our gift from our Holy Divine Creator called, The Present. 

So whether this is your pay day Friday or not, I invite you....I encourage you....I hopefully will inspire you through this message, to join me in seeing this day as Fantastic Fun Day Friday. In so doing, I pray that every where you go and in all that you do you will find something throughout your day....THIS DAY....that will give you reason to pause and laugh, smile and inhale the fresh air, take in the warmth of the sunshine, open your heart, arms and mind, and embrace the perfection of this day that is God's masterpiece creation that you get to be a part of and witness from your human perspective. 

What a joy that is!!!! Allow yourself to realize what a blessing that is!!! Accept and acknowledge what a miracle it is to still be here today...on this Fantastic Fun Friday!!! 

Allow your heart to delight in God this day to the degree that you are filled with countless reasons to give thanks for the blissful bounty of beautiful blessings that surround you and attract to you today and all weekend long. 

Go in peace and love today my friends knowing who is your endless, infinite supply and supplier....the Eternal Loving Presence of our Father/Mother Most High God.

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love :-)

A One Love Production

By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought:Don't Put A Period Where God Put A Comma

One thing we all have in common is that in life we all make plans and have dreams. Like wise, we all hope that our plans work out and our dreams come true. Yet, with all our good intentions and well thought out plans, fact is, sometimes things just don't always unfold as we had hoped. Sometimes it's due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond our control. Other times our plans don't work out as we had intended at the hand of our own human error, mistakes, or poor decisions.

Still, there are also those times when we carefully take our time, do everything right, and things still just don't go the way we wanted them to for reasons beyond our human understanding. When either of these scenario's happen it can leave you feeling deep levels of disappointment in your now moment and doubt about your future that lies ahead.

So for this weeks, Inspirational Love Notes, Sunday's Food For Thought message, I'd like to share some personal insights I've come to learn from times like this that have unfolded in my life that left me feeling exactly that way. Yes, I too have had experiences, more times than I can count, that have left me feeling deep disappointment over what had happened, doubt about what might happen next, and worry over whether or not things would ever work out as I desire and  have prayed for my life. 

With that said, here are the insights and lessons I have learned to appreciate and adopt in response to disappointments in life along with a bible scripture that affirms each one.

Lesson #1:

NEVER give up on Love. (see 1 Corinthians 13:7)

Lesson #2: 

Keep believing and trusting in God. (see Psalm 27:14 )

Lesson #3:

Keep believing in your dreams for the life you have envisioned for yourself and deeply desire. Keep holding on to the vision God has given you for your family, the use of your talents, gifts, successful career, and to find your happily ever after with your true love if that too is something you deeply desire. (see Psalm 37:4)

Lesson #4:

Keep praying without ceasing and surrender all to God. Keep believing your prayers are being heard. And expect them to be answered by God in the perfect time and way. In fact, keep an open and receptive heart as you look for God's answers to your prayers as you go about your daily routines in life. Remember, the holy scriptures says in Matthew 7:7-8, "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find...."

So believe always in your heart that your prayers do not fall on deaf ears with God. Whatever you pray for do so with a genuine heart giving thanks in advance that it is so. Then release the need to the universe trusting that help is on the way. (see James 1:6 and Philippians 4:6)

Lesson #5: 

This one is the most important of all and that matter who comes or chooses to leave your matter how many times you try and matter how many unexpected situations arise that cause your circumstances to continue to change in ways that seem to be obstacles, adversity or contrasting conditions that slow your progress....NEVER EVER GIVE UP ON OR STOP BELIEVING IN YOU. 

Lesson #6

Never allow yourself to walk around like, the cartoon character, Charlie Brown kicking rocks with your head held down wallowing for long periods of time in self pity, discouragement, darkness, and despair. 

Never allow yourself to become so filled with the negative energy and thoughts that accompany feelings of disappointment that you end up on a downward spiral that results in you falling into a deep depression. 

Don't allow yourself to succumb to the belief that just because things haven't worked out as you would like so far means that it never will.

You are a child of the Most High God. And regardless of what preferred name you feel most comfortable calling that Benevolent Divine Higher Power and Holy Presence that created us all, truth is, God's plans and will for you is always to prosper, thrive, live an abundant life and succeed. (see Jeremiah 29:11 and John 10:10)

Lesson #7

Never take score too early by putting a period where God may have only put a comma or a be continued. When you allow yourself to become filled with disappointment, discouragement, and doubt to the point that you start believing that things you've been desiring that haven't happened yet are never going to happen, this is exactly what you are doing through that kind of thinking, feeling, and believing. 

You are taking score too soon because you cannot see from your human perspective what God can see from the higher vantage point of Divine Mind. So it is always best instead to just keep trusting and believing that all things are possible with God. (see 1 Corinthians 2:9 and Mark 9:23) 

Lastly, when you take score too soon by putting a period where God has put a comma, you are underestimating the power of Love, which means you're also underestimating the power of God because God is Love. And again, the holy scriptures tells us in, 1 Corinthians 13:6, "...that love never fails"...thus, God never fails.

I am a living witness from my own life experience that divine love, as God, has the power to turn anything.... and I do mean ANYTHING around to work in your favor. And truth is, it's always working in your favor already no matter how long the condition or circumstances have been going on. 

No matter how long you've been waiting for your prayer to be answered or your desire to be fulfilled, as long as you are still breathing, of sound mind, and in your conscious physical body it's never too're never too old....your story is not over yet. 

Remember, as long as God has put a comma on your situation rather than a period it means your story is still being written. It means God still has more to say. And until God writes your final chapter and has the last say your job is to keep the faith trusting him all the way. Cause no matter what, all things are working together for the good of those who love God. (see Romans 8:28) Be encouraged my friends.

 Until next time...remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

References: The Holy Bible, The Good News Translation, and

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought:How Loving Are You?

Most people are familiar with this definition of Love from 1 Corinthians 13 in the bible. But very few people actually follow it or are able to live up to it. I'm sure most of us try to demonstrate the majority of the traits in this definition of love. But let's just be honest, life can often times present situations that are very challenging. And our relationships with other's can be even more challenging at times.

So it is in those times and situations when we are under a great deal of stress or experiencing deep hurt, frustration or disappointment while trying to relate to one another that we miss the mark of displaying the characteristics listed in this biblical guideline for how we should love.

As a remedy to that, a very god reminder and " Love Self Checks and Balances" exercise I do every now and then to see how well I'm doing with staying in alignment with this definition and guideline for expressing love, especially following a situation as I described above, I go to this definition of Love in 1 Corinthians 13, and replace the word Love with my name then read it out loud to see which area's and traits of love I still need to work on. I use this exercise to help me gauge where I need to do or could've done better in a particular situation at expressing love from this higher standard of what love is and how it is demonstrated.

Trust me, it's not an exercise for those who are not able to look themselves in the mirror and face the truth about themselves. It takes a great deal of honesty with yourself as well as spiritual maturity and discipline to do this exercise. Nevertheless, it is a great exercise that will really show you the truth about yourself in regard to your attitude and level of love barometer. So go ahead and give it a try.

I promise you will at first be shocked to find what area's you still need to work on in your expression of love. And in the fast paced world we live in today, for most people that area is the first one....patience. But the good news is you will also become more conscious of how loving you are actually coming across to other's so that you keep doing what you're doing in the area's you have been practicing love well in. And you can get up and practice doing better tomorrow in the area's where you realize from this exercise you have not been doing so well at expressing love in.

Again, the exercise is to take the definition of Love from 1 Corinthians 13 in the bible, which is posted in the image at the top of this message, and replace the word Love with your name. Then read each sentence in the definition out loud.

As you read it out loud using your name, for example, Anna is patient....Anna is kind...and so forth, stop and take notice to the sensations you feel in your body, especially your heart area. Pay attention to if it constricts or expands as you read each line out loud. This will be your best indicator to whether or not you have actually been demonstrating that particular aspect or trait of love well or not.

And remember, the key to this exercise is to be honest with yourself so that you can see which area's of love you still need to do more work at expressing better.

Lastly, after you have done this exercise I strongly suggest you pray and ask God to reveal to you a recent or past situation where you missed the mark at being more loving as defined in this definition from the Holy Scriptures. Then after forgiving yourself, if you are inspired by Spirit to do so, it might also be a good idea to call or reach out to that person involved in the situation, whom you have now realized you were not very loving to, and apologize to them as well.

After all, we are created in and of Love, our Divine Source is Love. So our relationships with other's should matter. And nothing should be a higher priority than doing our best to be the purest conduits of love we can possibly be at all times and in all situations more often than not.

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

References: Holy Bible, 1 Corinthians 13

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow: Love Is A Verb Not A Noun

My spiritual mother blessed me richly before she made her transition from this life six years ago. But it wasn't money or material possessions she bequeathed onto me. What she left me has proven to be of far greater value to me than any silver or gold she could have given me to behold in her memory.

No. Instead, she blessed me by investing her time and energy and prayers in me, for me, over me. She spent a great deal of time over the years we had together helping me to grow and reach my potential.

One of the ways she invested in me was by sharing her many pearls of wisdom with me. And one of those valuable pearls of wisdom she shared with me was that love is a verb not a noun, she always told me.

In fact, I can still hear her sweet little eighty- something year old voice inside my head now saying, "Baby...if you wanna know if someone really loves you pay more attention to their ACTIONS than their words. Love is shown by what a person is willing to DO for you more than in what they say they feel for you."

And tonight, for my Inspirational Love Notes message, and in honor of my memories and special relationship with my dearly departed spiritual mom, I share this very precious nugget of wisdom from her with you as well. Taking heed to her words of great advice has served me well. I pray it will do the same for you.

This is just a little "Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow" to ponder as you fall asleep tonight. 

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!!! ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought:Love and Happiness Begins Within

What I've come to learn about love goes hand in hand with what I've come to learn about happiness. And that is:

Everything you seek is not only seeking also STARTS with you. You cannot adequately fulfill what Jesus taught, to love thy neighbor as thyself if you have not learned how to love yourself in a healthy way first.

Likewise, you cannot be happy in any relationship with another expecting the entire fulfillment of your happiness to come from another person or anyone outside of you. They are not your source to any good thing you seek. They are merely reflections of the love and happiness that is already inside of you or the lack of it.

You see, the people in your relationships only mirror back to you the love and happiness you have already cultivated within yourself first they are not the producers of it as the society we live in has misled us to believe.

God is your only true Source. So when you're looking for love and happiness you must go within and connect with your true Source. You must work on nurturing and building the one true relationship that all other external relationships are merely an extension of....your relationship between yourself and your Source (God).

Once you have established a healthy relationship within between yourself and your true Source (God) every other relationship in your life that you desire to experience greater expressions of love and happiness in will all begin to fall in place.

Therefore, the love and happiness you seek must first be seeds planted within you first. They must then be nurtured by you as well through your relationship with God in order to take root, blossom, and grow. 

The only thing a person in any external relationship you're in can do is pour from their own cup of love and happiness from within into your cup of love and happiness that you have already filled from within. And together you will create in each other an overflow of a beautiful love and happiness exchange. The same is true with peace, joy and all the other fruits of the spirit.

When you learn to be true to yourself by first learning to truly love, honor and have a healthy relationship with yourself, you will attract from the universe people, situations, and relationships that are in alignment with who you are and the love and happiness you already feel for yourself from as your foundation. After all, you deserve the same depth, richness, and fullness of love and happiness you give so liberally to someone else. So why not give it to yourself first. 

Until next time...remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

Friday, September 30, 2016

Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow:Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your path." ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

Today I practice the art of non-resistance. I make the conscious choice to refrain from worrying or over thinking about the affairs or direction of my life. Instead, I am devoted to living fully in the gift of this NOW present moment. I open my mind, eyes and heart to be aware of all the beauty and bountiful blessings that are all around me here and now.

I keep my focus on the I Am presence of God in me as I surrender all that concerns my future into His hands. I am aligned with the divine flow and upper progressive movement of life. And I trust the process of my life to unfold according to God's perfect plan.

I now go free to embrace and enjoy the perfect good for me this day now holds. While keeping an attitude of gratitude as each blessing does unfold.

Won't you join me?

This is just a little "Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow" to ponder as you fall asleep tonight.

Until next time...Remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

References: Proverbs 3:5-6, The Holy Bible, New King James Version

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought: Perfect Love Cast Out Fear

If you're looking for the perfect person you'll be looking and waiting your whole life and never be in happy, fulfilling relationship. Looking and waiting for the perfect person will also cause you to over look some really great people who may have the potential to be the best thing and biggest blessing that has ever happened to you.

Too often people have the huge misperception that when to find their soul mate is to find this perfect person who will love them and everything will be rainbows and butterflies forevermore.

What life and love has taught me,however, is that there are no perfect people. There is no Mr. or Mrs. Right. Mr. and Mrs. Right is an illusion...a myth. But there is a person, I believe, who is the best person suited for you. Yes, I believe wholeheartedly there is a divine right person out there for everyone who desires a be in a healthy, loving relationship and share their life with a life partner.

So for me... I don't expect people to be perfect. Because when you do you will be end up deeply disappointment every time. I no longer look for or expect to meet my "Mr. Right."

What I am open to and believe exist for me is the imperfect man who accepts my imperfections as I accept his. A man who also is loyal, has strong character, integrity, beautiful soul that is the most compatible with mine and a genuine, pure and open heart that loves and honors God, and is ready and willing to receive the unconditional, love I have to pour into his heart as he pours his love into my heart as well.

No there is no such thing as perfect people. But there is a such thing as perfect love. And just like the scriptures tells us in 1 John 4:18, "perfect love cast out fear..."

And with the fear of being disappointed, yet again, when people inevitably fail at being perfect, removed from your heart you are better able to let the perfect love in of that imperfect person that's ready, willing, wanting and waiting to love you the way you deserve. You will also be better prepared and able to allow yourself to show them unconditional love in return. To find someone who loves you unconditionally is about as perfect as Love can get.

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

References: Holy Bible, 1 John 4:18,