Thursday, January 27, 2011


Give me this day Lord, my daily bread;
not just the physical bread
of food but my daily bread of PEACE;
not the kind of peace that a friend can give
from listening when I need to talk
or saying comforting words when I’m facing
a challenging time in life. Give me the peace
that only you can give, the peace that passes
ALL human understanding

Give me this day Lord my daily bread;
the powerful bread of WISDOM.
The wisdom of your Divine Mind so I can
know when to speak, what to say and
how to convey my thoughts and feelings
in a direct, precise and perfect way.
Allow me Lord to express the truth of my heart
while exhibiting love and compassion

Give me this day Lord my daily bread;
the daily bread of STRENGTH;
not the human strength of physical power
but the strength that comes from
your Holy Spirit that actively lives and dwells in me.
Give me the strength of your absolute power
that makes all things possible
and is greater in me than any power in the world

Give me this day Lord my daily bread;
the bread of spiritual UNDERSTANDING
with a clear mind to discern your voice
as you speak to my heart leading and guiding me
in the right paths to my highest good, fulfillment and joy

Give me this day Lord, my daily bread;
the sacred bread of LIFE;
not a mundane or mediocre life
but a good life and life more abundantly
as you promised me through the teachings of Jesus

Give me a life that’s filled with LOVE;
not just one dimensional human love;
but Your unconditional love that’s
pure, everlasting and eternal.
Love that sustains me, comforts me,
protects me and inspires me to love
others beyond the limitations and capacity
of my human personality

Yes give me this day my daily bread Lord;
the bread of AWARENESS that Your
Holy Spirit is the only active force
In my life in whom I Move, Breathe
and Have My Being

Thank you God this day for my daily bread.
In the name, nature and like mind of Jesus the Christ
And So It Is!!!

A One Love Production
From my personal journal pages
Copyright January 2011

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