Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Day After Valentine's Day: Where is the Love?

So Valentine's Day has now come and gone. Everyone is done running around for last minute gifts to give to their beloved. The stores have already moved on to promoting the next major holiday they can commercialize and bring in the most profit from.  So what happens now to all those high vibrations of love that so heavily saturated the air just yesterday intoxicating us with every breath we took in and exhaled? 

Did all those "good vibrations" expire on Valentines Day at midnight and just evaporate like the carriage that turned back into a pumpkin in the Cinderella fairytale? I most certainly hope not.

I admit, I too am a supporter of celebrating Valentine's Day simply because it is a day we set aside to honor the greatest and most powerful force in the entire universe. Also, because God is love and we are made in His image and likeness. Thus, the true essence of our being is love. For this very reason I believe our thoughts, hearts and actions should not be limited to being open to conscious vibrations and expressions of love for only two days a year...Christmas and Valentine's Day. 

Everyday should be looked upon with the same positive attitude and patience, generous acts of kindness and an open heart of compassion that we do on the day we have set aside as a society to honor and celebrate love called...St.Valentine's Day. 

In truth, everyday is a perfect day to celebrate and honor love. Why? Because everyday you are blessed to awake of sound mind and able body is another opportunity to express the love that God is, expressing in and through us all. So just because Valentine's Day is over do not let your efforts and actions to express love to yourself and other's be over and done as well. 

Let us remember the characteristics of love as defined in the attached image quoted from
1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Love has many attributes but of them all let us make a more conscious effort to remember at least these few most important ones...Love is is is not is not easily keeps no record of wrongs. More simply stated, above all else, love is... patient, thoughtful, compassionate and considerate of others, respectful, and forgiving.

Now that Valentine's Day is over you may have  been thinking all the loving vibrations in the air are gone and unconsciously closed your heart and mind to expressing love. Instead, remain consciously open and aware of the love that is always readily available to you as the divine love in you waiting to be expressed through you in the unique way God created only you to be. 

Until next time...I surround you in Love & light! So remember to keep your heart open and your love light shinning bright. 

A One Love Production
By Anna M. Hendricks
Copyright 2014
References: Holy Bible,

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