Friday, August 29, 2014

Conquering the Critical Thinker in You

"When we speak from the ego, we will call up the ego in others. When we speak from the Holy Spirit we will call up their love." ~ Marianne Williamson, from her best-selling book, A Return to Love

Constant ridicule and criticism is a fatal enemy to love. It suffocates the life out of a relationship, preventing it from blossoming and reaching its full potential. It poisons the emotional trust in a relationship that love needs in order to grow. When you constantly criticize, judge or condemn yourself or another, mentally or verbally, you are not aligning with the higher consciousness of divine mind, the Spirit Self. Critical, judgmental, condemning thoughts and words are born and expressed from the ego-self, not from the heart where the Holy Spirit resides and divine love abides.

Our thoughts and words have the power to either build or destroy. When we consistently hold thoughts or speak words that are heavy latent with negative energy attached, as is the case with criticism, they gain a momentum that is hard to break. When the momentum of such negative chain of thoughts is not caught and stopped early on it develops into an unconscious, habitual, primary pattern of thinking. Such negative thoughts and words not only tear down the self-esteem of the person constantly subjected to it, over time it also tears down the foundation of the entire relationship. It prevents the ability for a genuine affinity and authentic bond to be developed. Criticism does not promote togetherness; it encourages separation. 

It also negatively affects and infects your perception of people and situations in your life or that show up on your life path. When you are looking at life circumstances, and the people involved in them, through the tainted lens of the critical thinking mind your ability to clearly see the truth of a situation is severely hindered.

More importantly, your ability to see the light and love in another is blocked by the darkness of the ego projection that fuels the critical thinking inner voice. It is equally important to know that everything the critical inner voice has to say to you is a lie. Since this inner voice is aligned with ego its opinions are based on false perceptions that are relative unlike Truth that comes from the Holy Spirit which is absolute.  

When you persistently criticize and judge another you send them the message that they are not worthy or deserving of love. You are in essence saying to them, "I refuse to accept you as you are. The way God created you is not good enough for me and I am unwilling to love you until you conform to my perception of who you should be. Until you become a version of yourself that is more appealing to my ego and behave in a manner my ego finds more acceptable, I reject you and deny you the blessing of my love."
Yet, who are we to ever say this, or even think such thoughts as this, toward another when God created us all in His image and likeness, which is perfect love. To suggest, through criticism and judgment, that God's divine design of yourself or another is flawed is both spiritual arrogance and spiritual ignorance. How can any of us assume ourselves empowered with the right to deny another the worthiness of love God has already approved us worthy of from the moment of our divine creation. 

If God is love and formed us in His own image and likeness, which is also love, how can we ever be unworthy of that which we already are? Love is the essence of our innate being. We are worthy of love because, as children of God, we are love in physical expression. 

When we learn to live and interact in our relationships, with self and others, centered in this higher consciousness of alignment, where our True Self, that is love resides, our expression of our own light comes forth. In doing so, we are then able to recognize, acknowledge and accept the God-light of love in others. It is from this spiritual perspective of enlightenment that we are able to realize our divine oneness with all humanity; rather than seeing ourselves and others through the darkness of the critical, judgmental, condemning ego perspective. 

When we think and speak from the ego projected self we awaken the ego in others. However, when we align our thoughts and words with the higher consciousness of divine mind we radiate the light and love in ourselves and call forth the same in others to be mirrored back to us. So get rid of your Stinkin' Thinkin' by asking God to heal the critical mind in you. Begin "thinking a new thought" today and be transformed by the renewing of your critical thinking mind.

Until next time...I surround you in Love & Light!

A One Love Production
By Anna M. Hendricks
Copyright August 2014

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