Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow:Two Hearts Are Better Than One

In case you weren't aware or hadn't checked your calendar, today, December 21, 2016 marks the first day of winter, also known as, the Winter Solstice. It is also the shortest day and longest night of the year.

So for those of you, like me, who live in the region of the world where gets pretty cold outside during the winter months, that means it's time to stock up on your hot coco with marshmallows, hot apple cider, and your favorite tea with a little, "something special" in it, to keep you warm on the inside.

And while you're at it, make sure you also have your favorite blanket ready. So you can snuggle up in with someone you love and keep each other warm on the outside as well.

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!!
A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

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