Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Power of Protecting Your Consciousness

Your Inspirational Love Note for today:

Don't allow the negative attitudes, energy and actions of other people to AFFECT you to the point that it begins to INFECT you with the same debilitating consciousness of limitation from which their expressed negativity was born. Definition of Debilitate: to impair the strength of

Now go back and re-read the aforementioned statement keeping this definition of the word, debilitate in mind when you read the last part of it. You should then be able to appreciate better the power of this statement.

In essence it is saying, if you hang around negative people long enough their attitudes, behavior and energy will eventually begin to infect your own thinking, thereby impairing the strength of your consciousness resulting in you adopting the same negative attitudes, energy and actions as them.

Until next time...I surround you in Love & Light! So remember to keep your Love lights on!

~Anna Ms.Poet Hendricks

A One Love Production
copyright 2013

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