Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought: One Love Chain Challenge

Hello again beloved's! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I had a pretty quiet weekend with my daughter. I also did a lot of thinking and reflecting on the things I've been observing lately in the society we live in today. And it really disappoints me to see the lack of courtesy, consideration, love and compassion being shown to one another that we've come to as a society.

In the physical realm we are individuals. But truth is, we are really spiritual beings FIRST having a human experience. Therefore, from the spiritual perspective we are all connected as one. So as human individual's even though we have our separate lives be not deceived by this. Each of our lives does have an effect on the other.

The actions of one causes a ripple effect that, even though you can't always see the consequences of it, it does cause a ripple like throwing a pebble into a pond. It causes ring of waves that spans out into the water beyond the obvious that your eyes can see.

So tonight I'd like to invite you to join me in what I'm calling the One Love Chain Challenge. And all it requires of you to keep the chain of love going is to share this post with someone, or however many you choose, that you love. Also, in the forward message box just tell them you love them and ask them to keep the love chain going by passing it on as well. Also, at the bottom of your, "I Love You", message add the hash tag:#OneLoveChainChallenge.

That's it! That's all I ask of you. And I ask it of you because it really saddens me to see the lack of love, compassion, consideration, thoughtfulness, and staying connected with one another that things like technology, texting, and social media is contributing largely to us not doing any more.

Expressing our love for one another, staying connected by actually calling to check in on one another, visiting each other and spending quality time with those you love is something we truly cannot afford to become a lost art. With that said, I invite you challenge you to join me in spreading this chain of love. And I'll begin by sending this message to you and telling you I Love You! Now it's your turn. Pass it on!

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on! ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love


A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

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