Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought:You Are A Reflection of God's Love

If God is our true Source, and God is love, and we are made in God's image and likeness, and cannot be separated from our Source, then it is also safe to say that we (you) are the embodiment  of God's love. We are...Love personified. 

So in order to live a life that is more reflective of our true Source's (God's) characteristics it's important to align yourself with the true essences of your divine source daily. How do you this? By taking time each day to center your mind and align you heart with the divine heart and mind of God, which is to align your heart and mind with LOVE. 

If you don't already have a morning ritual that aligns you with the power of love here's one of mine you can use. 

Wake up each day and affirm, "I AM the physical expression of LOVE in action!!! I live by the divine law of LOVE. And Love is victorious in my mind, body, relationships and affairs here and now!!!"

Then go out into the world and about your day making a conscious effort to see everyone through the eye's of love. And in everything you do let your actions be done with the intention to awaken love in other's. Do all that you do with a heart of love and consciously practice being a reflection of the love of your Source, the love in which you were created, the love that the core of our being we all truly are. 

Do this daily to the best of your ability with a genuine heart and intentions, even when other's are not behaving in ways that reflects the love they are back to you,  and watch abundant doses of love attract back to you in ways that blesses every area of your life unimaginable. 

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! ~ Anna MsPoetHenricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

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