Friday, June 3, 2011

The Power of the Imagination

God created each of us as a one of kind divine design original masterpiece. If His imagination is that powerful and we are made in His image & likeness then just imagine the infinite possibilities that are yours for the taking. Through the God given power of our imaginations we can create original masterpieces as well in every area of our lives. It may seem like a difficult process to do yet it's really very simple.

Close your eyes and visualize the life you desire for yourself. Ask God to align your vision
with the vision He has in mind for you that's in your best interest and highest good. Then surrender your vision and hearts desire to God releasing any attachment to the outcome. Trust in the perfection of the Divine Intelligence of Infinite Spirit to work out the details. Then watch the power of your imagination aligned with Gods will for you manifest in the most miraculous way and divine time. ~Peace Beloved

A One Love Production
By Anna "Ms. Poet" Hendricks
copyright 2011


  1. Thanks! This is so on point. Surrender the vision is a lesson I'm definitely working with right now.

  2. This is my first time reading your work, and it is very uplifting and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your gift of words with the world so that I may have the chance of reading them!
