Friday, May 27, 2011

The Power of Non-Resistance

What many people fail to realize is that there is power in being non-resistant. If you’re not convinced of this truth then observe and take note of it from nature. When the gusty winds and storms come the trees do not resist. Rather, they remain flexible by bending and swaying gently with the flow of the raging winds of the storm allowing it to do its thing and pass on by. Then when the storm is over the strongest of the trees always survive and remain still standing.

Like wise, I encourage you to be like the trees. Practice the art and power of non-resistance. So that when the storms of life blow your way you too can maintain holding a calm, flexible attitude and posture. Remain grounded in your faith as you allow whatever storm in life you may be going through to do what it's come to do which is simply pass you by. Then see God bring you through it all like a strong tree still standing. After all, there is good that comes even in the mist of storms that usually show up as a lesson and/or blessing waiting for you just on the other side. ~ Peace Beloved

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