Monday, June 27, 2011

Awakening the Inner Child in You

Scripture instructs us through the teachings of Jesus, in Matthew 18:3, that we are to become like little children. Yet let us not confuse being CHILD-LIKE with being CHILD-ISH. Anyone who has children or has spent time watching and observing a child for a little while is sure to find that children have humble spirits with very vivid and colorful imaginations. Children also have open, receptive loving hearts.

In the mind and heart of a child absolutely nothing is impossible. This is why from a child's perspective they cannot comprehend the reasoning behind a parent or anyone telling them they cannot have something they deeply desire. I strongly believe this is the essence of what Jesus was teaching us when he said to his disciples that we are to be like little children and that doing so is the way into the kingdom of heaven.

I believe Jesus was in effect saying that like children, if we maintain having humble spirits, open and receptive hearts, and use the power of the colorful vivid imaginations that we also had as children to visualize the infinite possibilities life has to offer, then we too can see the deepest desires of our hearts manifest in a most miraculous way.

As long as your hearts desires align with the spiritual and universal laws of love, respect and the highest good for yourself and all involved, then just as a child would do, you too should hold to that vision believing with God absolutely NOTHING is impossible. After all, it is God's promise to delight in giving us the desires of our hearts as long as we keep Him first.

So go ahead...awaken the inner child in you and use the power of your imagination to envision a life beyond your wildest dreams. You'll be surprised by what you might see while you're there...and even more surprised by what you receive if you keep your heart open once you return from your imaginary world back to earth.

Until next time...I behold the divinity of Christ in you and surround you in love & light.

~ Peace

A One Love Production
By Anna M. Hendricks
Copyright 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Power of Forgiving & Living in the Moment

In Kirk Franklin's latest single called "Smile" the first sentence in the opening of the song says, "Today's a new day". And that is the heart & essence of my message to you today. This is indeed a "NEW DAY" and we each have a choice in how we choose to go through it.

We have a choice to either give our power away by going through the day holding on to old grievances of yesterday. Or use our personal power to forgive, let go, let God and have peace within rather the person you feel offended you apologizes or not. The power that comes from genuine forgiveness always blesses you more than it can ever bless the other person because forgiveness is ALWAYS FOR & ABOUT YOU and NO One Else.

Forgiveness is about calling your own spirit back after giving your inner power away by allowing the behavior or action you perceived as an offense against you by another to become so internalized that you became off centered and emotionally upset even for a moment. So I encourage you to choose the latter option. Choose to use your inner power constructively by forgiving and letting go which also means no longer speaking or thinking about the situation from this point forward.

Today's a new day, so choose to think new thoughts, feel new feelings, have a new perspective, radiate a new energy vibration, have a new attitude & experience the opportunity to love today in a new way.
Until Next time...
I Behold the Divinity of Christ in you & surround you in love & light. Peace!
A One Love Production
By Anna M. Hendricks
copyright 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ask God Trust God And Expect His Blessings!

What is it that you feel you're lacking in your life right now that's blocking you from experiencing true joy and deep inner fulfillment? Did you know that instead of sitting around feeling hopeless thinking you're waiting on God it's actually the other way around? God is the one actually waiting on you. Anything and everything good you could ever want or need in this life has already been put in place for you by God before you were ever fully conceived in your mother's womb.

God already knew all you would need and desire to make it through this life. All the good He had planned for you when you were just an idea in His divine mind to create has already been done for you. Now all He's waiting on is for you to ask Him for that which is already yours for the taking. All He asked of you in order to receive your divine inheritance is put and keep Him first in your life. "But seek first the Kingdom of God and it's righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33 Lamsa's Aramaic Translation) The kingdom of heaven is already at your hands. So what are you waiting for to claim it?

Rather your current need or desire is for better health, harmonious relationships, attracting your divine-right mate, a new job or career breakthrough, more money and financial increase. Use the power of your imagination today to see your hearts desires coming forth to you now in golden streams of good and plenty. Open your minds eye to see the avalanche's of abundance that's already yours by divine right given by God in endless supply. Then give thanks for the manifestation of your good now. Ask God...Trust God...And Expect His Blessings! ~ Until next time...I surround you in love & light beloved...Peace!

A One Love Production
By Anna M. Hendricks
Copyright 2011

References: Holy Bible, Matthew 6:33, Lamsa's Aramaic Translation

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mind Control: You Hold The Power of Your Thoughts

In the highly acclaimed bestselling inspirational book, "As A Man Thinketh", author James Allen wrote, "The human mind is likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild. But whether cultivated or neglected, it must and will bring forth." In essence, this means rather we are conscious of it our not our thoughts have power. Yet, we are not powerless slaves to our minds. God has empowered each of us with dominion over our thoughts and the power to control what we think.

Rather we choose to use this God given empowerment to control our thoughts or allow our thoughts to control us is a decision we each make respectively. After all, God also granted us the power of free will. In either case, the thoughts we hold in our minds causes a chain reaction. What we focus on the most with intensity will eventually manifest resulting in a direct effect on our individual circumstances and experiences. With that understanding it's clear to see that it's in our best interest to become more conscious of the thoughts we hold about ourselves and others in our lives.

So, how are you using your mind power today? Are you cultivating and controlling your thoughts aligning them with the power of your imagination to see the highest good in all things for yourself and others? Do you take heed to the instructions of scripture that tells us in Philippians 4:8, "Whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report; if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think about these things."(Lamsa's Aramaic Translation)

Are you using the power of your thoughts to stay focused on the positive despite what's going on around you? Do you fill your mind daily with reading material that helps you remember the Truth that God is your source, supply and infinite supplier? Are you standing on your faith in Gods promise to never leave or forsake those who belong to Him and trust in Him? Do you use your thoughts to affirm that regardless of how hopeless or discouraging your circumstances appear to be, God is your help in EVERY need?

Or are you going through life allowing your outer circumstances to control you by letting your thoughts run rampant like wild weeds in a field of negativity, worry, hopelessness and despair? If this latter question sounds like you know that it does your relationship with yourself a huge disservice and your relationship with God a dishonor to live life that way. As the saying goes, "if you gone' pray why worry and if you gone' worry why pray".

On the other hand, if you've been struggling through life on your own without having a relationship with God I encourage you to start one today. Contrary to popular belief or opinion, it's actually very simple to begin. You can start by going before Him in prayer with a humbled spirit and open heart. Then simply say, "Dear God, I'm tired of trying to figure life out on my own and cannot do this alone. I realize now that your ways are higher than my ways and your thoughts are higher than my thoughts. I need your help and guidance. Please come into my heart God. Show me your ways and I will make you my Lord and savior." It's that easy!!!

In closing, rather you already have a strong relationship with God or not I leave you with a few positive affirmations. If practiced regularly they will help you better cultivate your mind and control your thoughts in a constructive manner. Just take five to ten minutes to sit still and light your favorite scented candle if you like. If you prefer just silence with no candle that's fine too. Next, close your eyes and repeat each of the following affirmations three times.

1.) Infinite Spirit I'm open to you for guidance, come sit at the seat of my soul.
2.) Infinite Spirit I'm open to you for understanding, come sit at the seat of my heart.
3.) Infinite Spirit I open my mind to you for wisdom, come sit at the seat of my thoughts.

I encourage you to begin practicing these affirmations every day, twice a day (preferably upon awaking each morning and again before bed at night) for the next 21 days. The results may not be immediately noticeable in an obvious way but stick to it anyway. Like everything worth anything in life the effects of this mental transformation to achieve outer results is a process that takes time. So keep at it for the first 21 days. Then start over and continue saying them daily this time for 40 days and watch the major miraculous transformation you begin to experience in your life and affairs.

Until next time, I surround you in love & light beloved...Peace Be Still!

A One Love Production
By Anna M. Hendricks
Copyright 2011

James Allen, "As A Man Thinketh" The Inspirational Classic revised version copyright 2008, chapter 2, paragraph one, page 9;
Holy Bible, Philippians 4:8 (Lamsa's Aramaic Translation)

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Power of the Imagination

God created each of us as a one of kind divine design original masterpiece. If His imagination is that powerful and we are made in His image & likeness then just imagine the infinite possibilities that are yours for the taking. Through the God given power of our imaginations we can create original masterpieces as well in every area of our lives. It may seem like a difficult process to do yet it's really very simple.

Close your eyes and visualize the life you desire for yourself. Ask God to align your vision
with the vision He has in mind for you that's in your best interest and highest good. Then surrender your vision and hearts desire to God releasing any attachment to the outcome. Trust in the perfection of the Divine Intelligence of Infinite Spirit to work out the details. Then watch the power of your imagination aligned with Gods will for you manifest in the most miraculous way and divine time. ~Peace Beloved

A One Love Production
By Anna "Ms. Poet" Hendricks
copyright 2011