Thursday, September 13, 2012

Don't Let Go

Whatever happens don't let go of God's hand...
No matter how it looks or feels
keep trusting in the Master Plan...
When it seems impossible for you to do,
know that the Most High can

Some say seeing is believing
I say, don't believe everything you see
No matter what the human condition may be...
Proclaim God as your entire reality
Cause giving up is not an option
and failure is not your destiny

Through sickness and health...
poverty and wealth
The Most High does not lie
An awesome provider he promised to be
And I've never seen the day he failed
to do so perfectly

Though you shall walk through the fire,
you shall not be burned...
Where wisdom is needed,
he gives a spirit to discern...
To the broken hearted,
you shall see new love return...
For His Truth we seek,
...His living water we yearn

Never give up...Never give in...
Be non-resistant as a river,
yet spontaneous as the wind...
Strong as an oak tree,
yet know when to bend

Look adversity square in the face,
and be not afraid...
For you are a child of the Most High God
...and of His image and likeness you're
magnificently made

So keep on livin and givin'
life your very best shot
Then after you're done givin' all you've got,
and absolutely sure you've done all you can...
Be still...just stand
And whatever happens...don't let go of God's hand.

A One Love Production
By Anna 'Ms.Poet' Hendricks
copyright 2012

Now please click on the video attached below. Enjoy this musical masterpiece appropriately titled, "Whatever Happens, where two of musics greats, Michael Jackson featuring Carlos Santana, colaborated their talents delivering a message through song that supports the message of this Inspirational Love Note Poem.

Until next time...I surround you in Love and Light!

Monday, September 3, 2012

A Labor Day of Love: Barbeque...Baked Beans...and A Baby

This was a special Labor Day in my home because today was about more than just barbeque and baked beans. Today we celebrated the anniversary of my "Labor" Day of Love. On this day three months ago I "Labored" our beautiful baby girl Khaliah into the world. I can't believe she's  three months old already. She's growing so alert....full of personality and smart as a whip too. (LOL)

 A few days ago, I caught her putting her pacifier in her mouth by herself. She did it all by herself three straight times in a row. I'm so glad I was able to quickly grab our digital camera and video tape her the last time she did before she noticed I was watching her and stopped doing it. And when she looked up and saw me recording her she just looked straight into the camera unmoved and kept right on going as if she was used to being on camera. I swear she's acts like she's born to be a Super Star. Who knows...maybe she is...(LOL)

Now she's moved on to trying to hold her bottle by herself when we're feeding her. (Smh and LOL)She tries to sit up by herself too but she's got a little more ways to go before she's strong enough for that just yet. But at the rate she's going...with a bit more practice I won't be surprised if she has that down too real soon. I'm sooo proud of her!!! 

Until Next Time...I surround you in love & light!