Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Choosing to Change Your Life

Are you unhappy with the quality of your life? Have you been struggling to figure out how to get from where you are to the life you really want? Well, the road to changing your life begins with having a new vision for your life and making different choices that will rewrite the next chapter of your life story.

The most effective way to use your power of choice, that will cause a domino effect leading to your end goal of changing your life into the life you really want, begins with changing your perspective about your life. 

Here's how changing your perspective leads to changing your life:

Changing your perspective causes a shift in consciousness.
A shift in consciousness produces a change in self-limiting beliefs.
A change in beliefs evokes a change in attitude.

A change in attitude inspires you to break bad habits.
Breaking bad habits leads to discontinuing self-sabotaging behavior patterns.
Discontinuing self-sabotaging behavior patterns increases better judgment.

Better judgment encourages better choices.
Better choices attracts more desirable, fulfilling experiences.
More desirable, fulfilling experiences awakens true happiness.
True happiness points the way to deeper, lasting, genuine joy.

Genuine joy gives birth to inner peace.
Inner Peace comes from being your authentic self.
Being your authentic self frees you to follow your heart's desires.

Following your heart unfolds the path to your life purpose.
Living in alignment with your life purpose automatically opens the way to living life more abundantly.

Living a more abundant life means, having greater health, wealth, happiness, joy, and love.
Greater health, wealth, happiness, joy, and love allows you to live the life you really want.

Living the life you really want is the true measure and meaning of success. 
Achieving true success begins with changing your perspective. 
Changing your perspective simply requires invoking your power of choice.

Until next time...I surround you in Love & Light! 

You can also follow me on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/InspirationalPoetryandLoveNotes/ 

A One Love Production 
By Anna Ms. Poet Hendricks
Copyright October 2014

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