Friday, December 26, 2014

Something to Tuck Under Your Pillow: The Fruit of the Spirit

There's an old adage that says, "you can catch more bee's with honey than vinegar." I'd like to add to that by saying, you can get cooperation from others better with kindness than coldness.

 In the Holy Bible, Galatians 5:22-23 says, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, KINDNESS, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."

Most of our relational discord and disharmony is due to the result of lack of self-control over our emotions. When we allow our emotions to run amok, provoked by fear thoughts of not getting something we want to go OUR way, we tend to have knee jerk reactions that leads to saying hurtful things that cannot be retrieved, forgotten or easily forgiven.

It also leads to negative behavior and reactions that lack wisdom which only ADDS to the problem rather than promote peace and cooperation toward finding a solution that's truly in the best interest of all. In addition, you still don't end up with the outcome you want. Along with the added consequence of the other person(s) involved becoming even less likely to have a positive response or spirit of cooperation to your desired request from them than before.

But when you learn to be led by spirit more than ego by practicing patience, KINDNESS, and emotional self-control, you will come to find that all the other fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness, will follow suit. You will then see the situation miraculously transformed and brought into Divine Order by the Holy Spirit.

Applying the fruit of the Spirit as your method of addressing any area of issue in your relationships will not only increase your power of influence toward getting a spirit of cooperation from those involved, it will lead you to a solution that's in the best and highest interest for ALL involved. It will also result in an outcome that is lasting and proves far better for everyone than behaving in a callous, cajoling and controlling manner in effort to get the outcome YOU want.

So next time you have a sticky, sensitive or difficult situation where there is strong opposition involved give this new approach a try. And remember, no matter how big or small the situation is or how long it has persisted, you will always have better interactions and outcomes in your relationships when you ask for spiritual guidance and practice applying the fruit of the Spirit. Then allow God's will not YOUR will to be done in His perfect way and time.

Until next time...I surround you in Love & Light! Sleep well...and have peaceful night! 

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A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright December 2014

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