Monday, June 27, 2011

Awakening the Inner Child in You

Scripture instructs us through the teachings of Jesus, in Matthew 18:3, that we are to become like little children. Yet let us not confuse being CHILD-LIKE with being CHILD-ISH. Anyone who has children or has spent time watching and observing a child for a little while is sure to find that children have humble spirits with very vivid and colorful imaginations. Children also have open, receptive loving hearts.

In the mind and heart of a child absolutely nothing is impossible. This is why from a child's perspective they cannot comprehend the reasoning behind a parent or anyone telling them they cannot have something they deeply desire. I strongly believe this is the essence of what Jesus was teaching us when he said to his disciples that we are to be like little children and that doing so is the way into the kingdom of heaven.

I believe Jesus was in effect saying that like children, if we maintain having humble spirits, open and receptive hearts, and use the power of the colorful vivid imaginations that we also had as children to visualize the infinite possibilities life has to offer, then we too can see the deepest desires of our hearts manifest in a most miraculous way.

As long as your hearts desires align with the spiritual and universal laws of love, respect and the highest good for yourself and all involved, then just as a child would do, you too should hold to that vision believing with God absolutely NOTHING is impossible. After all, it is God's promise to delight in giving us the desires of our hearts as long as we keep Him first.

So go ahead...awaken the inner child in you and use the power of your imagination to envision a life beyond your wildest dreams. You'll be surprised by what you might see while you're there...and even more surprised by what you receive if you keep your heart open once you return from your imaginary world back to earth.

Until next time...I behold the divinity of Christ in you and surround you in love & light.

~ Peace

A One Love Production
By Anna M. Hendricks
Copyright 2011

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