Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Power of Forgiving & Living in the Moment

In Kirk Franklin's latest single called "Smile" the first sentence in the opening of the song says, "Today's a new day". And that is the heart & essence of my message to you today. This is indeed a "NEW DAY" and we each have a choice in how we choose to go through it.

We have a choice to either give our power away by going through the day holding on to old grievances of yesterday. Or use our personal power to forgive, let go, let God and have peace within rather the person you feel offended you apologizes or not. The power that comes from genuine forgiveness always blesses you more than it can ever bless the other person because forgiveness is ALWAYS FOR & ABOUT YOU and NO One Else.

Forgiveness is about calling your own spirit back after giving your inner power away by allowing the behavior or action you perceived as an offense against you by another to become so internalized that you became off centered and emotionally upset even for a moment. So I encourage you to choose the latter option. Choose to use your inner power constructively by forgiving and letting go which also means no longer speaking or thinking about the situation from this point forward.

Today's a new day, so choose to think new thoughts, feel new feelings, have a new perspective, radiate a new energy vibration, have a new attitude & experience the opportunity to love today in a new way.
Until Next time...
I Behold the Divinity of Christ in you & surround you in love & light. Peace!
A One Love Production
By Anna M. Hendricks
copyright 2011

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