Sunday, July 10, 2011

You Are That which You Desire

You are that which you desire be it friendship, a new job, career, money or even love. Be a perfect expression of that which you desire and you will attract more of it to you in a perfect way. It is Universal law that what you send out creates a vacuum effect that attracts the same back to you. However, like anything else in only works if you work it. So if you desire more love and harmonious relationships in your life...begin expressing more love by being more loving toward others and having an open heart of compassion.

If you desire peace in your life then begin being more peaceful by stilling your mind, holding peace-filled thoughts and behaving in a manner that promotes peace when interacting with others. Ahhh and everyone's! If you desire more money then begin freely giving more money and do not be afraid to spend it when necessary.

There’s nothing wrong with saving but if the situation arises that requires you to spend money don’t be afraid to do so. Hoarding anything, especially out of a fearful belief of lack or thinking if you spend what you have you won’t get more, blocks the flow to the divine supply in your life, which contrary to some beliefs, does include money. Understand that giving IS receiving because they are part of the same cycle that can only be broken when you begin holding back from doing either. The same is true with love or anything else you desire.

As a child of God His promise is that you are a rightful heir to all within His Kingdom which is infinite in its supply. Yet if trusting in this promise from God is an area of challenge for you then refer to Philippians 4:19 which says, “But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in the glory of Christ Jesus.” Notice it says, “ALL your needs not some. And God is fully aware that money is a substance we need to survive in this world. So trust that He will not fail to supply it for you in your time of need.

With all these examples, appreciate what you already have even if it doesn't appear to be much. Be a cheerful giver AND receiver in all things as Jesus taught us through scripture. By doing so that which you desire will begin to increase and expand in your own life. It may seem to be taking a while but know that it's just a matter of time. That which you give freely with an open heart and attitude of gratitude must return to you pressed down, shaken together and running over.

This is a guaranteed promise to use. It is both Universal AND Spiritual Law and must be fulfilled. If you need more proof try putting it to the test. Truth is Truth and Law is Law. So if you begin to practice this Truth it cannot return to you void rather you believe it to be Truth or not. Therefore, I leave you with these parting words of encouragement and inspiration as you anticipate the desires of your heart and prayers to manifest. ...let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9 KJV)

Until next time…I salute the Divinity in you and surround you in Love & Light!

A One Love Production
By Anna M. Hendricks
Copyright 2011

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