Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Welcome to September: The Month of Order

We are now half way through the first full week of September and nearing the end of Summer at the same time. I most certainly hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend celebration and have gotten the kids back to school this week in an orderly fashion. Which brings me to our theme subject for this month. Continuing with my monthly themes of inspiring you with encouraging messages that also raise your awareness of the 12 spiritual power faculties within us, we continue this month with the 9th spiritual faculty, Order.

The physical location of this spiritual faculty center is the navel. The color it resonates with is green. The biblical disciple represented by this faculty is James. Everything in the Universe is governed by a system of order usually beginning with a thought or idea then proceeding with the spoken or written word of that idea and finally followed through with the action of carrying out that idea bringing it into physical manifestation.

For example, the building of a house begins as a creative idea or vision in the imagination of someone. Then they proceed with an architect drawing a blue print of the lay-out or design of the house transforming the idea in the mind into a visual design on paper. This is followed by builders or contractors being hired to lay the foundation and build the frame of the house which is putting the idea into action the next phase in the system of order for building a house.

This process continues on until the final phase which is the completed construction of the house and the physical manifestation of what began as just an idea or vision in someones mind. Following this train of thought...if your thoughts are not in order it makes it very difficult to bring any idea into physical manifestation.

My Inspirational Love Notes theme for this month will also include messages on Divine Order, the highest of all systems of order and the most important to understand regarding this spiritual faculty. So I look forward to sharing my knowledge and understanding of this topic with you this month while also continuing to bring you insightful ways to activate and use this spiritual power within us all.

More importantly, I look forward to sending you powerful messages of Love to keep you encouraged and inspired through whatever life changes and challenges you may be growing through. So let's kick this month in gear as we continue to grow together ever closer to the last quarter of this year.

Until next time...I behold the Spirit of Christ in you...and surround you in Love & Light!

A One Love Production
By Anna M. Hendricks
Copyright 2011

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