Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Date With Destiny: Final Thoughts For The Month of August

We have now quickly come not only to the end of yet another month expeditiously pushing us closer the end of the year. We have also come to the verge of summers end as well. I hope you have found my Inspirational Love Notes for this month insightful, encouraging and in some way helpful in getting you through whatever situation God is working out in your life at this time.

As we wrap up the month of August here are a few final thoughts on my theme subject discussed all month, the 8th of the 12 spiritual power faculties, WILL. All month I have shared messages of inspiration, encouragement, understanding and insight on the difference between our personal will and the higher Will of God. Additionally, I have provided bible scriptures and a song selection that supports the main point of each daily message regarding the Will of God for our lives.

Therefore, in review of the overall point of all the messages I've shared on this months theme, remember as it is stated in Proverbs 19:21, that we may have many plans but it is God's Higher plan for our lives that will prevail. This is not to say do not make plans for your life. By all means we should continue to set goals and pursue our dreams and life aspirations passionately.

However, in doing so we must keep in mind that we are created by and put here by God for His higher calling not for our own personal agenda's. So as we make our plans and set our goals in life we must remember to leave room in our hearts and our plans for God's Higher plan to unfold.

We must also remember to ask God what is his Divine Will for our lives and surrender our personal will to the infinite wisdom and intelligence of the Divine Mind of God. We are reminded of this in Isaiah 55:8-9 where the Lord says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Therefore, if we have our coarse set to go in a particular direction in our lives only to find things not unfolding according to how we had planned because the Will of God has redirected our plans, thus taking our lives in a different direction than we had in mind, we must trust that God always has our best interest in mind and knows what's better for us than we could ever know how to think of or ask of him.

In this respect, we must come to understand that God has a a Higher purpose for why he allows us to go through certain things or allow particular situations in our lives to unfold or not unfold as we may have planned. So we must make our plans but do so with a spirit and heart of submission to the Higher plans and Will of God.

After all, Isaiah 14:21 also says, in regards to the Will of God, "The Lord Almighty has sworn, Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand." Therefore, continue to make and pursue the plans according to your will for your life. Just remember that in the end it is God's Will for your life that shall prevail.

In closing, I leave you with a poem I wrote and recorded for my upcoming CD of poetry set to music entitled, "Hendrix Charm". Linked below is my first single from that CD called, "A Date With Destiny" featuring Hakim Abdul (a.k.a SoulR) on acoustic guitar and background vocals. Click the link below to check it out. Then ask and allow God, without resistance on your part, to lead you to your divine Date With Destiny that is the Will of God for your life.

As always, I love hearing from you. So by all means continue to send me your Love Notes...and I'll keep sending you mine.

Until next time...I behold the Spirit of Christ in you...and surround you in Love & Light!

A One Love Production
By Anna M. Hendricks
Copyright 2011

Bible References: Holy Bible, New International Version, c 1984
Poem "A Date With Destiny" copyright 2003, revised and recorded to music copyright 2004, featuring Hakim Abdul (a.k.a. SoulR) on acoustic guitar and background vocals,
for the CD collection of poetry, "Hendrix Charm", also written and recorded by Anna "Ms. Poet" Hendricks.

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