Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow:God Provides

I went to bed early last night and was awakened at exactly midnight hearing this song in my spirit. Then I was led in spirit to get up and share it here as my Inspirational Love Notes message for you today.

I don't know what you're going through or who this is for other than myself. But this much I know for sure. I have been through many trials and tribulations in life that's just part of living. I have had people who swore they loved me fail to actually show it time and time again. Some, if not most, of those same people have also devastatingly disappointed me repeatedly. 

I have had people that I was loyal to, who were in some cases either a romantic  partner or business relationship, that did not return my same level of loyalty. Other times, I've also had people who were supposed to be my friends, that disappeared, stopped calling, and failed to step up or show up when I was going through situations where the support of a true friend would've really mattered most.

I've even had biological family, as well as people I considered as family, because I mistakenly believed we were really that close, to end up being the ones to have my back the least and hurt me the most. And as I get older my personal circle of people I feel close to and can truly trust gets smaller and smaller. 

Yet, through it all, I have never seen a more loyal and truly unconditional demonstration of love and support, nor have I ever had a better Ride or Die partner in life, than I have found in my very personal, intimate, sacred relationship with the Most High.

Regardless of whatever or whoever tries to break me, God just keeps bringing me through, over and out of it. Like the bionic woman the Most High keeps making me stronger, faster, wiser, more resilient, resourceful, creatively abundant, and better than I was before, despite how painful it may have been while going through each experience.

I'd be here writing this forever if I tried to tell you all the challenges I've faced and things God has brought me through. So I'm just gonna end this message by telling you this. No matter how long you've been going through your situation or whatever it is you may need....God Provides.

Ask God....Trust God....Try God today. There is NONE more faithful, loving, loyal, reliable, dependable, consistent, gracious, merciful, compassionate, infallible, powerful, generous, Infinitely Intelligent and wise, superbly supportive, and perfectly able to provide than the great I AM.

Talk about an Inspirational Love Note....listen to this song, God Provides, by Tamela Mann then put whatever you're going through in God's hands. That's all I've been led to say. And So It Is!!! Amen

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! 

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks

Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@ https://www.facebook.com/InspirationalLoveNotes/

References: YouTube.com 

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