Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought:A December to Remember

So here we are....December. The final month of the year. The month that also brings with it the biggest holiday season of the year and all the increased levels of stress and anxiety that comes along with it as well. So for my Inspirational Love Notes, Sunday's Food For Thought message for you this week I thought I'd suggest a few ways you can make this a December to Remember. 

The first way you can make this a more pleasurable and memorable final month of the year, is by not putting so much focus on the commercialism built up around Christmas. Instead, try putting more emphasis on making your new year start off with you feeling good. And the way to do that is by making choices now that will make your future self happy.

So just what do I mean by that? are a few examples of how you can make choices now that will make your future self happy:

1.) Don't over spend on gifts you really can't afford and will have to face the debt you created later. Your future self will be so happy that you made wise financial choices now that will make life and your bank account much better off for you later.

2.) Don't try to buy gifts for everyone in the family and your friendship circle, the postman, the neighbor next door and co-workers too. That's absurd!!! This year, try only buying for the children in your family who are under 18 years old instead. Or even younger than that if you can get away with it. The adults should understand and be supportive of putting the children first and making it more about them.  Which brings me to my next suggestion.

3.) Be honest with yourself and others about what you can or cannot afford to do. If you are not in a financial position to buy gifts for everyone, or anyone this for that matter, don't be in denial about it. Don't spend money you really do not have just to avoid feeling embarrassed or pressured by family and friends.

Your future self will respect you for being true to yourself and your financial ability at the time that will support your financial situation later by living within your means. 

4.)  Don't make plans to go out of your way, especially if that means traveling out of town, to spend the holiday season with people who do not make you feel good about yourself when you're around them. Even if it is family(and more often than not it is) and it's tradition that you go home every year it just not worth putting yourself through the unnecessary pain. Forcing yourself to spend the holiday season with people who only make you feel depressed and put down rather than jolly, celebrated and loved does not serve you well.

As an adult you have a right to start your own holiday tradition. And your future self will appreciate and love you more for honoring yourself by no longer allowing yourself to spend the holiday season with people who don't make you feel loved, lovable, or loving. If going around certain family members and friends only brings you down instead of lift you up I say you owe it to yourself to make other plans this year with people who make you feel good about being you.  

5.) Get plenty of rest and don't over eat. December brings the holiday season where we are surrounded by the irresistible aroma's of our favorite sweets like cakes, pies, cookies and other baked goodies. We're also exposed to more than our fair share of foods that are fun to eat during this time of year but are loaded with sugar and high in fat. 

When we over indulge in them we enjoy it in the moment but our bodies pay for it later. So this year, make a conscious choice to eat your favorite holiday foods in moderation. Your body will thank you for doing so later. 

So those are a few suggestions I hope you will find helpful, should you take heed to them, that will make your future self happy after the holiday season has come and gone. But the best suggestion I can offer you that will make this a December to remember is that, whatever gifts you do give, whatever meals and sweet treats you cook, don't forget the real reason for the season. Let all you do this holiday season be done with a spirit of Love.

Until next time....have a wonderful holiday season. And remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!!  

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

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