Thursday, September 15, 2016

Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow:You Hold The Power To Change Your Life

I once her it said or read somewhere that your life is God's gift to you what you do with it is your gift back to God. What this ultimately means is that YOU are the ONLY one responsible for YOUR life. No one else.

People can have either a profound effect on your life in a positive or negative way. Other's can support you in achieving the vision and purpose for your life as well. But YOU are the only one who can actually change your life into whatever you dream or envision it to be. You are the one that has to be willing to do the work...the inner work and outer work....required to shift shape your life from what it currently is to what you deeply desire within for it to become. bad do you want that change to come? How hungry are you for that more abundant life you desire and deserve where you experience bounty in every area, health, wealth, relationships, purpose, career, and even love abundance? But the real question is, what are you willing to change internally in order to see the external change you want to see in your life?

Reality is, the clock is ticking every single day you wake up. The sand in that hour glass of life is gradually running out for us all with each day the sun rises and sets again. So it seems the first thing we need to be willing to do is to STOP wasting the precious time we have left waiting for something or someone outside ourselves to come rescue the hero and save the day by changing your life for you. You be the change....You ARE the change...the change you want to see in you.

With that said, change you thoughts...change your perception....change your beliefs...change your childhood conditioning and programming...change your habits...change your diet...change your entire paradiagm....change the people you hang around...change your living space or location....change your job, profession, career.

Whatever it takes. Whatever you have to do. Just be more willing to make whatever necessary changes you need to make in order to see the change you desire to experience in you life. Either way, the choice is yours.

This is just a little "Something To Tuck Under Your Pillow" to ponder as you fall asleep tonight! 

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

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A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

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