Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sunday's Food For Thought:How Loving Are You?

Most people are familiar with this definition of Love from 1 Corinthians 13 in the bible. But very few people actually follow it or are able to live up to it. I'm sure most of us try to demonstrate the majority of the traits in this definition of love. But let's just be honest, life can often times present situations that are very challenging. And our relationships with other's can be even more challenging at times.

So it is in those times and situations when we are under a great deal of stress or experiencing deep hurt, frustration or disappointment while trying to relate to one another that we miss the mark of displaying the characteristics listed in this biblical guideline for how we should love.

As a remedy to that, a very god reminder and " Love Self Checks and Balances" exercise I do every now and then to see how well I'm doing with staying in alignment with this definition and guideline for expressing love, especially following a situation as I described above, I go to this definition of Love in 1 Corinthians 13, and replace the word Love with my name then read it out loud to see which area's and traits of love I still need to work on. I use this exercise to help me gauge where I need to do or could've done better in a particular situation at expressing love from this higher standard of what love is and how it is demonstrated.

Trust me, it's not an exercise for those who are not able to look themselves in the mirror and face the truth about themselves. It takes a great deal of honesty with yourself as well as spiritual maturity and discipline to do this exercise. Nevertheless, it is a great exercise that will really show you the truth about yourself in regard to your attitude and level of love barometer. So go ahead and give it a try.

I promise you will at first be shocked to find what area's you still need to work on in your expression of love. And in the fast paced world we live in today, for most people that area is the first one....patience. But the good news is you will also become more conscious of how loving you are actually coming across to other's so that you keep doing what you're doing in the area's you have been practicing love well in. And you can get up and practice doing better tomorrow in the area's where you realize from this exercise you have not been doing so well at expressing love in.

Again, the exercise is to take the definition of Love from 1 Corinthians 13 in the bible, which is posted in the image at the top of this message, and replace the word Love with your name. Then read each sentence in the definition out loud.

As you read it out loud using your name, for example, Anna is patient....Anna is kind...and so forth, stop and take notice to the sensations you feel in your body, especially your heart area. Pay attention to if it constricts or expands as you read each line out loud. This will be your best indicator to whether or not you have actually been demonstrating that particular aspect or trait of love well or not.

And remember, the key to this exercise is to be honest with yourself so that you can see which area's of love you still need to do more work at expressing better.

Lastly, after you have done this exercise I strongly suggest you pray and ask God to reveal to you a recent or past situation where you missed the mark at being more loving as defined in this definition from the Holy Scriptures. Then after forgiving yourself, if you are inspired by Spirit to do so, it might also be a good idea to call or reach out to that person involved in the situation, whom you have now realized you were not very loving to, and apologize to them as well.

After all, we are created in and of Love, our Divine Source is Love. So our relationships with other's should matter. And nothing should be a higher priority than doing our best to be the purest conduits of love we can possibly be at all times and in all situations more often than not.

Until next time....remember to keep your heart open and your LOVE light on!!! ~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks - Your Inspirational Goddess of Love

A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

You can also follow me on Facebook@

References: Holy Bible, 1 Corinthians 13

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