Thursday, July 7, 2016

Keep Your Heart Open To Love:Don't Let Your Ex Stop You From Loving Who's Next

If you've ever truly loved, chances are you have also been deeply hurt at some point along your love and relationship journey as well. To keep your heart open and trust again once this has happened is not an easy task to do.

To truly love another requires allowing yourself to be totally vulnerable with that person. When someone you invest this level of trust in abuses that trust the wounds can run deep and last long. It takes time to heal and get over it. And in some cases you never really get over it.

Trust me...I know. I've been there...experienced the Tee shirt and can even write a book about it it's happened to me so many times. But truth is....when you close your heart and resolve to never love again....never trust another person like that again....and never let love back are giving your power away to that other person that caused you the original pain.
You are allowing them to win by moving on with their life while you remain stuck and paralyzed by the pain they caused you. And like emotional quicksand, it does nothing but continue to pull you down and get in the way of you living your life fully the same way the person who hurt you is off doing with their life.

The other thing holding on to the hurt and closing off your heart to love again does is that it, literally over time, causes you to spiritually and emotionally die while still physically living. You see, we are more than mere mortals. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are all children of the same Divine Creator, that I refer to as, The Most High God. Yet, regardless of whatever name your spiritual or religious practice calls this Divine Holy One, we are all created in the image and likeness of our Divine Creator, which means our true nature is to love. Because the true heart and essence of God is Love.

When you close your heart off from giving and receiving love again because of a hurt man caused you, you over time begin to feel dead inside because, in so doing, you have also closed your heart off from your connection to your true Source of love....your Divine Source....your Holy Creator....God. The one, I promise you, loves you all ways...unconditionally...and infinitely more than any man (or woman) ever can or will.
Being raised in a family of strong and deep spiritual roots, I have understood this truth on an intellectual level since my youth. Yet, like many of you, it has been a long, painful, and arduous road emotionally learning this lesson. After all, if you are a sensitive soul type, like me, you understand me when I love is love is love is love is love is is love endures. All the elements love should be and is when it's really true love you're giving.
So when I love another, I take it very seriously. I also feel deep levels of disappointment when someone takes my love for granted and fails to uphold their end of the relationship agreement to show reciprocity by making the same level of emotional investment in the relationship, and me, that I've been investing in the relationship and in them. I totally understand how wounded such an experience can leave you feeling. In fact, to be completely honest with you, I am still healing from my own recent experience of this kind of heartbreak as I write this to you. So you are definitely not alone although it may feel that way sometimes.
Still, no matter what some one else did to cause you emotional hurt or pain, remember that you are God's beloved, precious child, in whom He is well pleased. God created you of His love to love and be loved here on earth. Don't allow someone from your past, who didn't get the memo on how special and awesome you are, and therefore failed to appreciate and cherish you as you deserve, to hold you back from the blessing of being loved by the person God has before you now or on the way in your near future. 
I'm a firm believer that God has someone in mind for each of us to be our true beloved. This means, no matter how many times you've been hurt in the past, there is someone out there just perfect for you to give you a love so supreme like the child of God you really are in truth deserves. Don't let them past you by out of fear of being hurt again. More importantly, don't make them pay for the sins of your ex.
That person who hurt you and left you is now your ex for a reason. It means they weren't equipped with the emotional heart space and capacity to love you back to the same degree you were able, willing, and had the capacity to love them. It also may be Gods way of saying, "the purpose I brought them into your life for is complete. Now hold on dear child...I have someone better in mind for you". So take a bold stand with me as you read this. Choose to be better not bitter. And no matter what, keep your heart open to love. Don't let your ex stop you from loving who's next. 

Until next time....Remember to keep you heart open and your LOVE light on!!! 
~ Anna MsPoet Hendricks ~ Your Goddess of Love.

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A One Love Production
By Anna MsPoet Hendricks
Copyright 2016

Please Note: The poster image used in this blog article was shared with the public on Facebook by Bishop Dale C. Bronner. However, it is unclear and was not noted when he shared it whether or not it is his original works. Therefore, by no means is any copyright infringement intended here by my use of it as well for this blog post.

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