Friday, August 5, 2011

Watch...Pray....Then Praise!!!

My Spiritual Mom and mentor, Rev. Virgina Jackson, whom I so dearly loved, recently made her transition from this life eight months ago this past December. Yet, it helps me cope and get through how much I miss her immensely when I remember how much I had the honor of learning from the intimate conversations during our relationship over the last 12 years.

So when I'm going through a challenging situation, that I would normally go and talk to her about, it's both funny and amazing how I'll begin to hear her words of wisdom, once I get still, just when I need them the most. One of the many empowering pearls of wisdom she use to often say to me when I felt uncertain about how to proceed in a situation was this:

"Watch THEEEN pray baby...don't pray then watch!"

Now, you're probably scratching your head thinking it should be the reverse like I did when she first gave me this puzzling...yet...wise counsel. However, she further explained to me the reason it's so important to "Watch First" then pray rather than the other way around is because if you don't be still and quietly observe the details of the situation long enough, you won't know what to pray about.

As difficult as it sometimes is to do, it's often much wiser to hold your peace until the right time. Instead of allowing your heated emotions, provoked by the ugly actions of others, to get to you it's better to let them continue to "show their hand" as they say in card games.

In other words, as the child of God in the situation, it is in such challenging times that it becomes essential for you to demonstrate your spiritual maturity. Keep your cool and allow God enough time to reveal to you the hidden agenda of those posing as your adversary in the situation. Only then will you have the information you need to go pray about.

So if your going through a situation where it looks and feels like all hell is breaking loose and you're unsure of the right way to handling it. Or if you're faced with an important decision to make and simply feel uncertain about the right thing to do. I encourage you to heed the wisdom of my belated Spiritual Mother. Watch...then Pray and while you're praying remember to ask God that His plan reign supreme over the hidden plans and agenda of anyone else involved in the matter. Then trust in the power of His word and allow God's Will only to be the final outcome.

Now take in the powerful words of Fred Hammond as you enjoy this soul stirring live version of one of my favorite songs by him entitled, "Let Me Praise You Now". I've attached it as a link below to help reiterate my message today. Now is the time to "Get your Praise Party on" while thanking God in advance for how He's working the situation out in you favor.

Until next time...I behold the Divinity of Christ in you...and surround you in Love & Light!

A One Love Production
Copyright 2011

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